Class 1: Birthing with Mind and Body
Your pelvis and the surrounding ligaments and soft tissue work together with your uterus during pregnancy and labor to make your labor smooth and efficient.
In the Body portion of this class, learn what you can do while you’re pregnant to make sure everything works as it should on the big day. You will learn why it is important to stretch and balance the parts of your body that are preparing for labor and how to do that. Your teacher shows you, using a real client and her birth partner, very specific stretches to lengthen and balance the soft tissue, muscles, and ligaments surrounding your uterus to help Baby settle into the optimal position for labor. These stretches were developed by the world renowned Spinning Babies program for physiological birth, which is the idea that our bodies were made to give birth, and all we need to do is support them.
In the Mind portion of this class, we discuss how your mindset impacts your labor hormones, according to Marie Mongan's Hypnobirthing philosophy. (Yes, your mindset actually changes the hormonal balance you need to give birth!) Next, you will learn how to develop a mental state that will help you be centered, calm, and peaceful during labor so you can enjoy your experience and your body can do what it needs. Included in the handouts, and discussed in class, are Hypnobirthing branded birth affirmations and relaxation exercises that you can use throughout your pregnancy to practice developing the optimal mindset for peaceful childbirth.
If you request this class, you will receive instructions via email to purchase all of the content. The content includes:
This 2 hour class with Back To You founder, Traci, and a pregnant mom and partner for demonstrations. Included in the class are short clips from a Spinning Babies video, to fully explain the rationale behind each position by the founder herself, Gail Tully.
A Back To You handout with written and visual instructions for the 4 main stretches, so you can do them at home without needing to find the right spots in the video.
A Hypnobirthing audio track for birth affirmations, which is explained in the Mind portion of class.
A Hypnobirthing audio track for relaxation exercises, which is also explained in the Mind portion of class.
A Back To You handout listing useful online resources for answering questions about pregnancy and birth, to avoid the pitfalls of googling your way to medical disasters or asking well-intended but untrained friends for advice.
Free access to the full Spinning Babies “Parent Class” video, where the clips were taken. This is a 2 hour class taught by Gail Tully, otherwise only available for purchase.
Free access to the Spinning Babies “Daily Essentials” video, which is an additional optional class with more positions and stretches if desired.
Two Back To You handouts with instructions for accessing the videos.
This pre-recorded class costs $115, or it can be done in-person for $85/hour.
Additional one-on-one time for virtual Q&A is $75/hour and can be added any time.
Changes to the uterus, surrounding ligaments, and the pelvis during pregnancy
Rebozo Sifting
Standing Sacral Release
Teacher and Founder, Traci